122. The Doorway to Shared Meaning: Haesun Moon, author of ‘Coaching: A to Z,’ [reads] ‘On Dialogue’
![122. The Doorway to Shared Meaning: Haesun Moon, author of ‘Coaching: A to Z,’ [reads] ‘On Dialogue’ 122. The Doorway to Shared Meaning: Haesun Moon, author of ‘Coaching: A to Z,’ [reads] ‘On Dialogue’](https://s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/redwood-labs/showpage/uploads/images/f5afefa8-23e7-4e75-a034-bb8e39a7b9b2.png)

Haesun Moon reading from David Bohm’s On Dialogue, and discussing the importance of open communication.
I’m a bit of a geek about models, specifically the ones that reveal patterns and invite new possibilities, helping us expand our understanding of what the world is. My favorites are: the periodic table and its various alternatives, the Roman architect Vitruvius’ three attributes for a building, and finally, the alphabet. A book I love is Edward Gorey’s The Gashlycrumb Tinies, an alphabet book telling the tale of the demise of young children. If this isn’t your style, the good news is that not all alphabet books have grisly endings.
Haesun Moon, Ph.D., is an academic, a communications scientist, a teacher, a coach, and an author. Her new book is a wonderful addition to the world of coaching, Coaching A to Z: The Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words. Get book links and resources at https://www.mbs.works/2-pages-podcast/
Haesun reads two pages from ‘On Dialogue’ by David Bohm. [reading begins at 15:05]
Hear us discuss:
“The gap between what I heard and what you said is sometimes larger in familiar relationships.” [21:12]
Creating shared meaning on a more societal level: “Culture is nothing more than the accumulation of micro conversations.” [22:08]
How to create shared meaning when different truths exist. [27:01]
Remaining curious rather than defensive. [30:20] | Coaching A to Z. [34:09]
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Haesun Moon | LinkedIn | Coaching A to Z: The Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words | Thriving Women Thriving World
David Bohm | On Dialogue